On March 16, 2024, Jiangning Economic and Technological Development Zone held the mobilization and deployment meeting for the construction of the National Carbon Peak Pilot Park, during which strategic cooperation was signed with the Green Partnership of Industrial Parks in China (hereinafter referred to as "GPIPC"). The International Green and low-carbon Innovation Center, jointly built by Jiangning Economic and Technological Development Zone and GPIPC, is planned to be put into physical operation in April this year, and will accelerate the launch of cadre and staff training, enterprise promotion, carbon footprint, carbon inclusive, international cooperation and other related work. Especially relying on the Engineering Technology Joint Development Center, it will gather key enterprises in the park to support the park's efforts in achieving carbon peak, and to build an ecosystem for industrial development.


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  • 主办单位:国家级经济技术开发区绿色发展联盟
  • 技术支持电话:022-66371809
  • 版权所有:天津泰达低碳经济促进中心有限公司(国家级经济技术开发区绿色发展联盟秘书处)
  • 京ICP备2020035841号-2
  • 网站管理及技术支持:国家级经开区绿色发展联盟绿色数据中心

